Kürøishi / Käärme Sisälläsi, Myrkyttää Maailmani (CD/BTR-118)
¥1,650 税込
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陰鬱とした雰囲気を内包しつつ、ひたすら突き進んでいくハードコアスタイルは健在だが、メロディーを奏でながら絡むギターのフレーズがより印象的に響く。同郷のSELFISHなどと同じく、BURNING SPIRITS HARDCOREの影響が色濃く感じられる。音作りも以前同様素晴らしいもので、現代ハードコアの完成形の一つと言えるのではないだろうか。様式美に終始する事なく、様々な進化が曲中に散りばめられているので、飽きを感じさせる事はない。多作な中でも常にアップデートを続けてきた、正にKürøishiらしいアルバムが完成した。 ジャケは1stアルバムからメイン画を手掛けているSUGI氏。アートワークと音の共鳴も最高潮まで高まっている。
Kürøishi, one of Finland's most aggressive hardcore bands, has released a new album! Since their tour in Japan, Kürøishi have received much attention. This new album is shrouded in an atmosphere of gloom where melodic phrases on guitar echo with expansiveness, while the band's hardcore style is kept in tact. Like their fellow countrymen SELFISH, the influence of BURNING SPIRITS HARDCORE can be strongly felt here. The sound production is as great as ever and various evolutions are sprinkled across the songs with no end to the stylistic beauty of the music. This album could be called a perfect example of modern hardcore. You will never feel bored. Kürøishi is a band who have constantly updated themselves over their output and this is truly a Kürøishi album. The artwork was made by SUGI, the artist since their 1st album, and resonates precisely with Kürøishi's sound.
02.Deal With It
04.Levels of Disgust
05.Givers Turn Into Takers
07.Thoughts Like Razors
08.The Future Looks Bright
09.Scythe Keeps on Grinding
10.Blank State of Mind
11.Framtids Visioner
12.Käärme Sisälläsi, Myrkyttää Maailmani
¥1,650 税込